personal email to W. David Barclay
Hi David,
I was checking into the Vril and the Thule, German groups who had saucer craft since the thirties and came across this
It's all based upon one of, if not, thee first science fiction book, The Power of the Coming Race published in 1870. But apparently the saucers flew based on spin and mercury. Thinking of the Clem motor, mercury would make a most massive vortex. Certainly heavier than crisco.
I think the oil companies have had huge success in the suppression of alternate ideas to combustion. Now, the thinking oil companies should be pondering jumping ship or at least creating a gravity control division while it's early days. Similarly, car companies, like Honda which has a hydrogen electric car now on the market. I'll leave Honda a message that we're the next stage.
Anyway, it looks like many nations are in cahoots on gravity control and are treating oil like the commodity it is, and since there's still a fair amount of warehouse oil stock they'll only introduce gc when oil and its demand has placed the world in turmoil. It looks like when the world has beat itself up sufficiently and most of the oil stock is gone, they'll jump in and save what's left of the world with gc. The shitty aspect is that you and me are considered collateral damage along with most of the non producers of this world. In this scenario the meek do not inherit the earth. It's more like the slaughtering of the lambs.
The mechanisms and machinations of governments seem to be operating like communism where we are all proclaimed to be equal except of course some are more equal than others. I feel that if what I'm saying is anywhere near the truth of the situation we citizens for a better world should practice being pissed off and demand more from our governments. And the way to get it is through the private sector which is fighting its own wars. We in the private sector are not happy with the lack of haste and should continue to pursue doing it ourselves. It feels like governments will never get around to it until they're pushed.
I'm talking about gravity control.
Now, I think I'll wander over to Honda with a congratulatory message and offer Unity as the next phase.
All the best,